Source code for numpoly.poly_function.decompose

"""Decompose a polynomial to component form."""
from __future__ import annotations
import numpy
import numpoly

from ..baseclass import ndpoly, PolyLike

[docs] def decompose(poly: PolyLike) -> ndpoly: """ Decompose a polynomial to component form. In array missing values are padded with 0 to make decomposition compatible with ``chaospy.sum(output, 0)``. Args: poly: Polynomial to decompose. Return: Decomposed polynomial with ``poly.shape==(M,)+output.shape``, where ``M`` is the number of components in `poly`. Example: >>> q0 = numpoly.variable() >>> poly = numpoly.polynomial([q0**2-1, 2]) >>> poly polynomial([q0**2-1, 2]) >>> numpoly.decompose(poly) polynomial([[-1, 2], [q0**2, 0]]) >>> numpoly.sum(numpoly.decompose(poly), 0) polynomial([q0**2-1, 2]) """ poly = numpoly.aspolynomial(poly) return numpoly.concatenate( [ numpoly.construct.polynomial_from_attributes( exponents=[expon], coefficients=[numpy.asarray(poly.values[key])], names=poly.indeterminants, retain_coefficients=True, retain_names=True, )[numpy.newaxis] for key, expon in zip(poly.keys, poly.exponents) ] )