Source code for numpoly.array_function.broadcast_arrays

"""Broadcast any number of arrays against each other."""
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Any, List

import numpy
import numpoly

from ..baseclass import ndpoly, PolyLike
from ..dispatch import implements

[docs]@implements(numpy.broadcast_arrays) def broadcast_arrays(*args: PolyLike, **kwargs: Any) -> List[ndpoly]: """ Broadcast any number of arrays against each other. Args: args: The arrays to broadcast. subok: If True, then sub-classes will be passed-through, otherwise the returned arrays will be forced to be a base-class array (default). Return: These arrays are views on the original arrays. They are typically not contiguous. Furthermore, more than one element of a broadcasted array may refer to a single memory location. If you need to write to the arrays, make copies first. While you can set the ``writable`` flag True, writing to a single output value may end up changing more than one location in the output array. Example: >>> poly1 = numpoly.monomial(3).reshape(1, 3) >>> poly1 polynomial([[1, q0, q0**2]]) >>> poly2 = numpoly.monomial(2).reshape(2, 1) >>> poly2 polynomial([[1], [q0]]) >>> res1, res2 = numpoly.broadcast_arrays(poly1, poly2) >>> res1 polynomial([[1, q0, q0**2], [1, q0, q0**2]]) >>> res2 polynomial([[1, 1, 1], [q0, q0, q0]]) """ args_ = [numpoly.aspolynomial(arg) for arg in args] results = numpy.broadcast_arrays(*[arg.values for arg in args_], **kwargs) return [ numpoly.aspolynomial(result, names=arg.indeterminants) for result, arg in zip(results, args_) ]