Source code for numpoly.array_function.choose

"""Construct array from an index array and a set of arrays to choose from."""
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Any, Optional

import numpy
import numpy.typing
import numpoly

from ..baseclass import ndpoly, PolyLike
from ..dispatch import implements

Mode = Any
    from typing import Literal, Union

    Model = Union[Literal["raise"], Literal["wrap"], Literal["clip"]]  # type: ignore
except ImportError:

[docs]@implements(numpy.choose) def choose( a: numpy.typing.ArrayLike, choices: PolyLike, out: Optional[ndpoly] = None, mode: Mode = "raise", ) -> ndpoly: """ Construct array from an index array and a set of arrays to choose from. First of all, if confused or uncertain, definitely look at the Examples - in its full generality, this function is less simple than it might seem from the following code description (below ndi = `numpy.lib.index_tricks`): ``np.choose(a,c) == np.array([c[a[I]][I] for I in ndi.ndindex(a.shape)])``. But this omits some subtleties. Here is a fully general summary: Given an "index" array (`a`) of integers and a sequence of `n` arrays (`choices`), `a` and each choice array are first broadcast, as necessary, to arrays of a common shape; calling these *Ba* and *Bchoices[i], i = 0,...,n-1* we have that, necessarily, ``Ba.shape == Bchoices[i].shape`` for each `i`. Then, a new array with shape ``Ba.shape`` is created as follows: * if ``mode=raise`` (the default), then, first of all, each element of `a` (and thus `Ba`) must be in the range `[0, n-1]`; now, suppose that `i` (in that range) is the value at the `(j0, j1, ..., jm)` position in `Ba` - then the value at the same position in the new array is the value in `Bchoices[i]` at that same position; * if ``mode=wrap``, values in `a` (and thus `Ba`) may be any (signed) integer; modular arithmetic is used to map integers outside the range `[0, n-1]` back into that range; and then the new array is constructed as above; * if ``mode=clip``, values in `a` (and thus `Ba`) may be any (signed) integer; negative integers are mapped to 0; values greater than `n-1` are mapped to `n-1`; and then the new array is constructed as above. Args: a: This array must contain integers in `[0, n-1]`, where `n` is the number of choices, unless ``mode=wrap`` or ``mode=clip``, in which cases any integers are permissible. choices: Choice arrays. `a` and all of the choices must be broadcastable to the same shape. If `choices` is itself an array (not recommended), then its outermost dimension (i.e., the one corresponding to ``choices.shape[0]``) is taken as defining the "sequence". out: If provided, the result will be inserted into this array. It should be of the appropriate shape and dtype. Note that `out` is always buffered if `mode='raise'`; use other modes for better performance. mode: {'raise' (default), 'wrap', 'clip'}, optional Specifies how indices outside `[0, n-1]` will be treated: * 'raise': an exception is raised. * 'wrap': value becomes value mod `n`. * 'clip': values<0 are mapped to 0, values>n-1 are mapped to n-1. Return: The merged result. Raise: ValueError: shape mismatch If `a` and each choice array are not all broadcastable to the same shape. Note: To reduce the chance of misinterpretation, even though the following "abuse" is nominally supported, `choices` should neither be, nor be thought of as, a single array, i.e., the outermost sequence-like container should be either a list or a tuple. Example: >>> poly1 = numpoly.monomial(3, dimensions="q0") >>> poly2 = numpoly.monomial(3, dimensions="q1") >>> choices = numpoly.outer(poly1, poly2) >>> choices polynomial([[1, q1, q1**2], [q0, q0*q1, q0*q1**2], [q0**2, q0**2*q1, q0**2*q1**2]]) >>> numpoly.choose([1, 2, 0], choices) polynomial([q0, q0**2*q1, q1**2]) >>> numpoly.choose([1, 3, 0], choices, mode="wrap") polynomial([q0, q1, q1**2]) """ choices = numpoly.aspolynomial(choices) a = numpy.asarray(a) result = numpy.choose(a, choices=choices.values, out=out, mode=mode) return numpoly.aspolynomial(result, names=choices.indeterminants)