Source code for numpoly.construct.polynomial

"""Attempt to cast an object into a polynomial array."""
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Optional, Tuple, Union

import numpy
import numpy.typing

import numpoly

from .compose import compose_polynomial_array
from ..baseclass import ndpoly, PolyLike

[docs]def polynomial( poly_like: PolyLike = 0, names: Union[None, str, Tuple[str, ...], ndpoly] = None, dtype: Optional[numpy.typing.DTypeLike] = None, allocation: Optional[int] = None, ) -> ndpoly: """ Attempt to cast an object into a polynomial array. Supports various casting options: ================== ======================================================= ``dict`` Keys are tuples that represent polynomial exponents, and values are numpy arrays that represents polynomial coefficients. ``numpoly.ndpoly`` Copy of the polynomial. ``numpy.ndarray`` Constant term polynomial. ``sympy.Poly`` Convert polynomial from ``sympy`` to ``numpoly``, if possible. ``Iterable`` Multivariate array construction. structured array Assumes that the input are raw polynomial core and can be used to construct a polynomial without changing the data. Used for developer convenience. ================== ======================================================= Args: poly_like: Input to be converted to a `numpoly.ndpoly` polynomial type. names: Name of the indeterminant variables. If possible to infer from ``poly_like``, this argument will be ignored. dtype: Data type used for the polynomial coefficients. allocation: The maximum number of polynomial exponents. If omitted, use length of exponents for allocation. Return: Polynomial based on input ``poly_like``. Example: >>> numpoly.polynomial({(1,): 1}) polynomial(q0) >>> q0, q1 = numpoly.variable(2) >>> q0**2+q0*q1+2 polynomial(q0*q1+q0**2+2) >>> -3*q0+q0**2+q1 polynomial(q0**2+q1-3*q0) >>> numpoly.polynomial([q0*q1, q0, q1]) polynomial([q0*q1, q0, q1]) >>> numpoly.polynomial([1, 2, 3]) polynomial([1, 2, 3]) >>> import sympy >>> q0_, q1_ = sympy.symbols("q0, q1") >>> numpoly.polynomial(3*q0_*q1_-4+q0_**5) polynomial(q0**5+3*q0*q1-4) """ if isinstance(poly_like, dict): poly = numpoly.ndpoly(exponents=[(0,)], shape=()) exponents, coefficients = zip(*list(poly_like.items())) poly = numpoly.ndpoly.from_attributes( exponents=exponents, coefficients=coefficients, names=names, dtype=dtype, allocation=allocation, ) elif isinstance(poly_like, numpoly.ndpoly): if names is None: names = poly_like.names poly = numpoly.ndpoly.from_attributes( exponents=poly_like.exponents, coefficients=poly_like.coefficients, names=names, dtype=dtype, allocation=allocation, ) # assume polynomial converted to structured array elif isinstance(poly_like, numpy.ndarray) and poly_like.dtype.names: keys = numpy.asarray(poly_like.dtype.names, dtype="U") keys = numpy.array([key for key in keys if not key.isdigit()]) keys = numpy.array(keys, dtype=f"U{numpy.max(numpy.char.str_len(keys))}") exponents = keys.view(numpy.uint32) - numpoly.ndpoly.KEY_OFFSET exponents = exponents.reshape(len(keys), -1) coefficients = [poly_like[key] for key in poly_like.dtype.names] poly = numpoly.ndpoly.from_attributes( exponents=exponents, coefficients=coefficients, names=names, allocation=allocation, ) elif isinstance(poly_like, (int, float, numpy.ndarray, numpy.generic)): poly = numpoly.ndpoly.from_attributes( exponents=[(0,)], coefficients=[numpy.asarray(poly_like)], names=names, dtype=dtype, allocation=allocation, ) # handler for sympy objects elif hasattr(poly_like, "as_poly"): poly_like = poly_like.as_poly() # type: ignore exponents = poly_like.monoms() # type: ignore coefficients = [ int(coeff) if coeff.is_integer else float(coeff) # type: ignore for coeff in poly_like.coeffs() # type: ignore ] names = [str(elem) for elem in poly_like.gens] # type: ignore poly = numpoly.ndpoly.from_attributes( exponents=exponents, coefficients=coefficients, names=names, allocation=allocation, ) else: poly = compose_polynomial_array( arrays=poly_like, # type: ignore dtype=dtype, allocation=allocation, ) return poly