Source code for numpoly.poly_function.derivative

"""Polynomials differentiation functions."""
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Union

import numpy
import numpoly

from ..baseclass import ndpoly, PolyLike

[docs]def derivative(poly: PolyLike, *diffvars: Union[ndpoly, str, int]) -> ndpoly: """ Polynomial differential operator. Args: poly: Polynomial to differentiate. diffvars: Singleton variables to take derivative off. Return: Same as ``poly`` but differentiated with respect to ``diffvars``. Example: >>> q0, q1 = numpoly.variable(2) >>> poly = numpoly.polynomial([1, q0, q0*q1**2+1]) >>> poly polynomial([1, q0, q0*q1**2+1]) >>> numpoly.derivative(poly, "q0") polynomial([0, 1, q1**2]) >>> numpoly.derivative(poly, 0, 1) polynomial([0, 0, 2*q1]) >>> numpoly.derivative(poly, q0, q0, q0) polynomial([0, 0, 0]) """ poly = poly_ref = numpoly.aspolynomial(poly) for diffvar in diffvars: if isinstance(diffvar, str): idx = poly.names.index(diffvar) elif isinstance(diffvar, int): idx = diffvar else: diffvar = numpoly.aspolynomial(diffvar) exponents, names = numpoly.remove_redundant_names( diffvar.exponents, diffvar.names ) assert names is not None and len(names) == 1, "one at the time" assert numpy.all(exponents == 1), "derivative variable assumes singletons" idx = poly.names.index(names[0]) exponents = poly.exponents coefficients = [ (exponent[idx] * coefficient.T).T for exponent, coefficient in zip(exponents, poly.coefficients) ] exponents[:, idx] -= 1 assert not numpy.any(exponents < 0) poly = numpoly.ndpoly.from_attributes( exponents=exponents, coefficients=coefficients, names=poly_ref.names, ) poly, poly_ref = numpoly.align_polynomials(poly, poly_ref) return poly
[docs]def gradient(poly: PolyLike) -> ndpoly: """ Polynomial gradient operator. Args: poly: Polynomial to differentiate. If polynomial vector is provided, the Jacobi-matrix is returned instead. Return: Same as ``poly`` but with an extra first dimensions, one for each variable in ``poly.indeterminants``, filled with gradient values. Example: >>> q0 = numpoly.variable() >>> poly = 5*q0**5+4 >>> numpoly.gradient(poly) polynomial([25*q0**4]) >>> q0, q1 = numpoly.variable(2) >>> poly = 4*q0**3+2*q1**2+3 >>> numpoly.gradient(poly) polynomial([12*q0**2, 4*q1]) >>> poly = numpoly.polynomial([1, q0**3, q0*q1**2+1]) >>> numpoly.gradient(poly) polynomial([[0, 3*q0**2, q1**2], [0, 0, 2*q0*q1]]) """ poly = numpoly.aspolynomial(poly) polys = [derivative(poly, diffvar)[numpy.newaxis] for diffvar in poly.names] return numpoly.concatenate(polys, axis=0)
[docs]def hessian(poly: PolyLike) -> ndpoly: """ Construct Hessian matrix of polynomials. Make Hessian matrix out of a polynomial. Tensor is returned if polynomial is a vector. Args: poly: Polynomial to differentiate. Return: Same as ``poly`` but with two extra dimensions, one for each variable in ``poly.indeterminants``, filled with Hessian values. Example: >>> q0 = numpoly.variable() >>> poly = 5*q0**5+4 >>> numpoly.hessian(poly) polynomial([[100*q0**3]]) >>> q0, q1 = numpoly.variable(2) >>> poly = 4*q0**3+2*q1**2+3 >>> numpoly.hessian(poly) polynomial([[24*q0, 0], [0, 4]]) >>> poly = numpoly.polynomial([1, q0, q0*q1**2+1]) >>> numpoly.hessian(poly) polynomial([[[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 2*q1]], <BLANKLINE> [[0, 0, 2*q1], [0, 0, 2*q0]]]) """ return gradient(gradient(poly))