Comparison operatorsΒΆ

Because (real) numbers have a natural total ordering, mathematically speaking, doing comparisons and sorting is at least conceptually for the most part trivial. There are a few exceptions though. Take for example complex numbers, which does not have a total ordering, it then there are not always possible to assess if one number is large than the other. To get around this limitation, some choices has to be made. For example, in pure Python the choice to raise exception for all comparison of complex numbers:

>>> 1+3j > 3+1j
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: '>' not supported between instances of 'complex' and 'complex'

In numpy a different choice were made. Comparisons of complex numbers are supported, but they limit the compare to the real part only, ignoring the imaginary part of the numbers. For example:

>>> (numpy.array([1+1j, 1+3j, 3+1j, 3+3j]) >
...  numpy.array([3+3j, 3+1j, 1+3j, 1+1j]))
array([False, False,  True,  True])

Polynomials does not have a total ordering either, and imposing one requires many choices dealing with various edge cases. However, it is possible to impose a total order that is both internally consistent and which is backwards compatible with the behavior of numpy.ndarray. It requires some design choices, which are opinionated, and might not always align with everyones taste.

With this in mind, the ordering implemented in numpoly is defined as follows:

  • Polynomials containing terms with the highest exponents are considered the largest:

    >>> q0 = numpoly.variable()
    >>> q0 < q0**2 < q0**3

    If the largest polynomial exponent in one polynomial is larger than in another, leading coefficients are ignored:

    >>> 4*q0 < 3*q0**2 < 2*q0**3

    In the multivariate case, the polynomial order is determined by the sum of the exponents across the indeterminants that are multiplied together:

    >>> q0, q1 = numpoly.variable(2)
    >>> q0**2*q1**2 < q0*q1**5 < q0**6*q1

    This implies that given a higher polynomial order, indeterminant names are ignored:

    >>> q0, q1, q2 = numpoly.variable(3)
    >>> q0 < q2**2 < q1**3

    The same goes for any polynomial terms which are not leading:

    >>> 4*q0 < q0**2+3*q0 < q0**3+2*q0

    Here leading means the term in the polynomial that is the largest, as defined by the rules here so far.

  • Polynomials of equal polynomial order are sorted reverse lexicographically:

    >>> q0 < q1 < q2

    As with polynomial order, coefficients and lower order terms are also ignored:

    >>> 4*q0**3+4*q0 < 3*q1**3+3*q1 < 2*q2**3+2*q2

    Composite polynomials of the same order are sorted lexicographically by the dominant indeterminant name:

    >>> q0**3*q1 < q0**2*q1**2 < q0*q1**3

    If there are more than two indeterminants, the dominant order first addresses the first name (sorted lexicographically), then the second, and so on:

    >>> q0**2*q1**2*q2 < q0**2*q1*q2**2 < q0*q1**2*q2**2
  • Polynomials that have the same leading polynomial exponents, are compared by the leading polynomial coefficient:

    >>> -4*q0 < -1*q0 < 2*q0

    This notion implies that constant polynomials behave in the same way as numpy arrays:

    >>> numpoly.polynomial([2, 4, 6]) > 3
    array([False,  True,  True])
  • Polynomials with the same leading polynomial and coefficient are compared on the next largest leading polynomial:

    >>> q0**2+1 < q0**2+2 < q0**2+3

    And if both the first two leading terms are the same, use the third and so on:

    >>> q0**2+q0+1 < q0**2+q0+2 < q0**2+q0+3

    Unlike for the leading polynomial term, missing terms are considered present as 0. E.g.:

    >>> q0**2-1 < q0**2 < q0**2+1

These rules together allow for a total comparison for all polynomials.

In numpoly, there are a few global options that can be passed to numpoly.set_options() (or numpoly.global_options()) to change this behavior. In particular:


Impose that polynomials are sorted by grade, meaning the indices are always sorted by the index sum. E.g. q0**2*q1**2*q2**2 has an exponent sum of 6, and will therefore be consider larger than both q0**3*q1*q2, q0*q1**3*q2 and q0*q1*q2**3. Defaults to true.


Impose that polynomials are sorted by reverses lexicographical sorting, meaning that q0*q1**3 is considered smaller than q0**3*q1, instead of the opposite. Defaults to false.