Numpy functions

The numpoly concept of arrays is taken from numpy. But it goes a bit deeper than just inspiration. The base class numpoly.ndpoly is a direct subclass of numpy.ndarray:

>>> issubclass(numpoly.ndpoly, numpy.ndarray)

The intentions is to have a library that is fast with the respect of the number of coefficients, as it leverages numpy’s speed where possible.

In addition numpoly is designed to be behave both as you would expect as a polynomial, but also, where possible, to behave as a numpy numerical array. In practice this means that numpoly provides a lot functions that also exists in numpy, which does about the same thing. If one of these numpoly function is provided with a numpy.ndarray object, the returned values is the same as if provided to the numpy function with the same name. For example numpoly.transpose():

>>> num_array = numpy.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]])
>>> numpoly.transpose(num_array)
polynomial([[1, 3],
            [2, 4]])

And this works the other way around as well. If a polynomial is provided to the numpy function, it will behave the same way as if it was provided to the numpoly equivalent. So following the same example, we can use numpy.transpose() to transpose numpoly.ndpoly polynomials:

>>> q0, q1 = numpoly.variable(2)
>>> poly_array = numpoly.polynomial([[1, q0-1], [q1**2, 4]])
>>> numpy.transpose(poly_array)
polynomial([[1, q1**2],
            [q0-1, 4]])

Though the overlap in functionality between numpy and numpoly is large, there are still lots of functionality which is specific for each of them. The most obvious, in the case of numpoly features not found in numpy is the ability to evaluate the polynomials:

>>> poly = q1**2-q0
>>> poly
>>> poly(4, 4)
>>> poly(4)
>>> poly([1, 2, 3])
polynomial([q1**2-1, q1**2-2, q1**2-3])

Function compatibility

The numpy library comes with a large number of functions for manipulating numpy.ndarray objects. Many of these functions are supported numpoly as well.

For numpy version >=1.17, the numpy library introduced dispatching of its functions to subclasses. This means that functions in numpoly with the same name as a numpy counterpart, it will work the same irrespectively if the function used was from numpy or numpoly, as the former will pass any job to the latter.

For example:

>>> poly = numpoly.variable()**numpy.arange(4)
>>> poly
polynomial([1, q0, q0**2, q0**3])
>>> numpoly.sum(poly, keepdims=True)
>>> numpy.sum(poly, keepdims=True)

For earlier versions of numpy, the last line will not work and will instead raise an error.

In addition, not everything is possible to support, and even within the list of supported functions, not all use cases can be covered. Bit if such an unsupported edge case is encountered, an numpoly.FeatureNotSupported error should be raised, so it should be obvious when they happen.

As a developer note, numpoly aims at being backwards compatible with numpy as far as possible when it comes to the functions it provides. This means that all functions below should as far as possible mirror the behavior their numpy counterparts, and for polynomial constant, they should be identical (except for the object type). Function that provides behavior not covered by numpy should be placed elsewhere.